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CMG.txt ver. 2.02 2003.Nov.
疙&M075296; → 疙瘩
original txt is--
"Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes" by I.T.Headland 1900
Fleming H.Revell Company
PLAIN-TEXT ver. CODE: Shift-JIS + UNICODE-TAG(XXXX;) + Mojikyo-code(&M0XXXXXX;)
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IRIZ-Zentools new2old.exe by HANAZONO University
and Konjyaku-Mojikyo Character Map ver.3.10
e-mail: YRL03232@nifty.ne.jp
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--- Formats for the "digital uta-moku"---
・ The marks and numbers at the head of the each verses are
serial numbers by reproducer.
・ One 2bytes blank is inserted between these marks and body
of each verses.
・ Sometimes two 2bytes blanks will be inserted among the body.
they means the punctuations of verses which specially remarks
in the source text
◎ individual cases, or have not been found their source texts.
○ quotations, or cases already seen in other texts prior.
● cases have some problems on its verses.
・source texts which had already arrangemented or reproduced
were expressed by the shorter marks by reproducer. And
mentioned in each comments.
/ punctuation points of line in the original text.
[ ] additional words by reproducer.
・ especially, [ / ] or [ | ] were expressed the letters
which could not found and supplised by Mojikyo-code,
and analysed the letter by its factors, means
[ left | right ], [ upper / lower].
[* ] comment or illustration by reproducer.
・ Unification of letter style should see my "UNIFIED.txt".
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・ In this file, I had found and introduced many descriptions
about each cases from other books by this same author.
・ BG = "The Chinese Boy and Girl", 1901
・ LCG = "The Little Chinese Girl", 1904
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There are probably more nursery rhymes in China than can be found in England and America. We have in our possession more than six hundred, collected, for the most part in two out of the eighteen provinces, and we have no reason to believe that we have succeeded in getting any large proportion of what those two provinces contain.
In most of the rhymes there are features common to those of our own "Mother Goose," among which are those reffering (1) to insects, (2)animals, (3)birds, (4) persons, (5) children, (6) food, (7)parts of the body, (8) actions, such as patting, grabbing, tickling, etc., (9) professions, trades and business.
We have tried to reproduce the meaning of the original as nearly as possible; this has not always been an easy task. Let it be understood that these rhymes make no pretentions to literary merit, nor has the translator made any attempt at regularity in the meter, because neither the original or our own "Mother Goose" is regular. Our desire has been to make a translation which is fairly true to the original, and which will please Engish-speaking children. The child, not the critic, has always been kept in view.
Attention is called to the affection manifested in such rhymes as "Sweeter than Sugar,""Sweet Pill,""Little Fat Boy,"and"Baby is Sleep-ing." There is no language in the world, we venture to believe, which contains children's songs expressive of more keen and tender affection than those we have mentioned. This fact, more than any other, has stimulated us in the preparation of these rhymes. They have been prepared with the hope that they will present a new phase of Chinese home life, and lead the children of the West to have some measure of sympathy and affection for the children of the East. The compilation was much facilitated by the work done by Baron Vitali, of the Italian Legation in Peking; Rev.Arthur H. Smith, author of "Chinese Characteristics;" Miss Mabel Whitting, of Peking; Miss Mitchell, of Chinkiang; Mrs.McClure, of Honan; Miss Chalfant of Shantung; Mr. Chao Tsz-chi, Chinese Consul at New York; Mr. Yamamoto, of Peking; and Rev. Chauncy Goodrich, of T'ung Chou, while the entire work is due to the fact that our attention was called by Mrs. C.H. Fenn, of Peking, to her old nurse repeating these rhymes to her little boy.
The illustrations have all been prepared by the translator specially for this work.
I.T.H October,1900
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◎CMG001-007 小寶貝冰糖加梅桂/小貝寶桂花加小棗。
My little baby, little boy blue, Is as sweet as sugar and cinnamon too Isn't this precious darling of ours Sweeter than dates and cinnamon flowers?
[* Also cited in BG,p.17.]
○CMG002-008 小脚兒娘愛喫糖/沒錢兒買/搬着小脚兒哭一場。
The small-footed girl With the sweet little smile, She loves to eat sugar And sweets all the while. Her money's all gone And because she can't buy, She holds her small feet While she sits down to cry.
[* 1st appeared in V075-107.]
○CMG003-009 高高山上一顆麻/有個吉了兒往上爬/我問吉了兒你上那/他說渴了要喫麻。
On the top of a mountain A hemp stock was growing, And up it a cricket was climbing. I said to him, "Cricket, Oh where are you going?" He answered: "I'm going out dining."
[* Cited from V081-116]
◎CMG004-010 蝴蝶飛我不追/蝴蝶落我不要。
Away goes the butterfly, To catch it I will never try The butterfly's about to 'light, I would not have it if I might.
[* Also referred in BG,p.22; "A girl in one of the rhymes urged by instinct and desire to chase a butterfly, gives up the idea of catching it, presumably out of a feeling of sympathy for the insect." In 歌2-12,7「河北兒歌」,there was also seen the same verse collected by 徐文珊, and this correspondent commented as "落" in the second phrase was pronounced as "lao". The songs which he collected would be seen some influence of this collection, but in general his pieces could be regarded as his original collection by himself.]
○CMG005-011 養活豬喫口肉/養活狗會看家/養活貓會拿耗子/養活你這丫頭作甚麽。
We keep a dog to watch the house, A pig is useful,too We keep a cat to catch a mouse, But what can we do With a girl like you?
[* Cited from V152-197.]
◎CMG006-012 火蟲兒火蟲兒/你下山兒來/你爺你媽/給你帶肝兒來。
Fire-fly, Fire-fly, Come from the hill, Your father and mother Are waiting here still. They've brought you some sugar, Some candy and meat, Come quick or I'll give it To baby to eat.
[* Also cited in BG,p.13; "One day, as I rode through a broom-corn field on the back of a little donkey, my feet almost dragging on the ground, I was repeating some of these rhymes, when the driver running at my side said: 'Ha, you know those children's songs, do you?' 'Yes do you know any?' 'Lots of them,' he answered. 'Lots of them' is a favorite expression with the Chinese. 'Tell me some.' 'Did you ever hear this one?' --- I at once dismounted and wrote it down, and promised him five hundred cash apiece for every new one he could give me."]
●CMG007-013 小孩兒小孩兒/咱倆人玩兒/踢球打桿兒/逛二閘兒/喫我的飯兒/喝我的茶兒/叫你踉我打桿/你不跟我打桿。
Little baby, full of glee, Won't you come and play with me? Strike the stick and kick the ball, And at the pic-nic place we'll call, And you shall come and eat with me, And you shall come and drink my tea. When I invite you thus to play, How is it that you run away?
[* A song calling to the boys to play together. A variation of V110-149 "小元兒小元兒…". See also 平139-074. "打桿兒(da-gan'r)" was "打嘎兒(da-ga'r)"--boy's game like baseball with stick and wooden ball. And "打桿" in the 7th and last phrase would be originally said as "打桿兒" ,and cuttin' these "兒" would be adjusting for its layout. In fact, the editor of『北平歌謠』(張160-319) changed them as so. ]
●CMG008-014 高高山上一個牛/尾巴長在屁股後/四個蹄子分八瓣/腦袋長在脖子上。
There's a cow on the mountain,the old saying goes, On her legs are four feet,on her feet are eight toes. Her tails is behind on the end of her back, And her head is in front on the end of her neck.
[* 1st appeared in V158-205. Compared to them, the 2nd and 3rd lines of this version were substituted, but the order of its translation were same. Also there are some variation with same order of verses as this. I can't decide it was whether a simply mistake or a right variation. And judging from its rhymes, the last phrase would be lost "頭" in its end, as the Vitales version./also cited in BG,p.26; "Another style of verses comes under the head of pure nonsense rhymes. They are wholly without sense and I am not sure they are good nonsense. They are popular, however, with the children, and critics may say what they will, but the children are the last court of appeal in case of nursery rhymes. Let me give one: --- "]
●CMG009-015 爺爺抱孫子/坐在波稜蓋兒/羊肉包子蘸醋茶兒/喫完了撒嬌兒/過來打你爺爺/三嘴巴兒。
Grandpa holds the baby, He's sitting on his knee Eating mutton dumplings With vinegar and tea. Then grandpa says to baby, "When you have had enough, You'll be a saucy baby And treat your grandpa rough."
[* Perhaps cited from V074-106 with some changes;>波棱蓋兒→波稜蓋兒,蘸醋蒜兒→蘸醋茶兒>. "醋茶兒-vineger and tea-" in the 3rd line would be revision by Headland himself,and not be a variation of word. For in my Chinese friends no one knows those way of eating. When it 1st appeared in Vitale's collection, it said "醋蒜兒" and commented "sort of sauce made of vinegar and bits of garlic."]
○CMG010-016 我一個大兒子/一個兒子/寶貝疙疸兒/開胸順氣丸。
My big son, My own boy, Baby is a sweet pill That fills my soul with joy.
[* Cited from V009-015>/Also referd in BG,p.17.]
○CMG011-017 簷蝙蝠/穿花鞋/你是奶奶/我是爺。
Bat, bat, with your flowered shoes, Come to us here in the room, This little girl will be the bride, And I will be the groom.
[* Cited from V092-129>]
●CMG012-018 小禿兒咧咧咧/南邊打水是你爹/你爹戴着紅纓帽/你媽穿着乍板兒鞋/走一步蹋拉拉/十個脚指頭露着三。
You dear little baby, Don't you cry Your father's drawing water In the south, near by, A red tasseled hat He wears on his head Your mother's in the kitchen Making up bread. Walk a step, walk a step, Off he goes, See from his shoe-tips Peep three toes.
[* Cited from V006-010 with a change.>南邊兒打水…→南邊打水…>]
○CMG013-020 花紅柳綠線兒/又買針兒/又買線兒/又買王媽媽褲腿帶兒。
I want some thread, Both green and red I want a needle long I want some strands For ankle bands, To give to Mrs.Wang.
[* Cited from V062-094>]
○CMG014-021 楊樹葉兒嘩拉拉/小孩兒睡覺找他媽/乖乖寶貝兒你睡罷/螞虎子來了我打他。
The tree leaves are murmuring hua-la-la, Baby's very sleepy and want his mama Go to sleep,my baby,and then go to bed, And any bogie-boo that comes, I'll knock him on the head.
[* Cited from V003-006>]
●CMG015-022 鳥鳥鳥身量高/要喫飯先毛腰/要打架用手抄/要洗臉拿水澆。
Oh dear! oh dear! just see how far His head is from his feet! So far indeed he has to bend When e'er he wants to eat. And when he wants to fight a man He lifts him up anon, And when he wants to wash his face He pours the water on.
[* cited from V144-192 with a letter lost;>身量兒高→身量高>]
○CMG016-023 我兒子睡覺了/我花兒困覺了/我花兒把卜了/我花兒是個乖兒子/我花兒是個哄人精。
My baby is sleeping, My baby's asleep, My flower is resting, I'll give you a peep How cunning he looks As he rests on my arm! My flower's most charming Of all them that charm.
[* Cited from V010-016>]
●CMG017-025 小胖子眞有趣兒/你可愛死個人兒/小胖小子兒胖達達/你是誰家的愛娃娃/買美人兒買美人兒/買到家裏作個看家人兒/有人兒沒人兒/不用鎖門兒。
What a bonnie little fellow is this fat boy of mine! He makes people die of joy! What a bonnie little fellow is this fat boy of mine! Now whose is this loving little boy? Do you want to by a beauty? Do you want to by a beauty? If you buy him he will watch your house, And do it as his duty. And no matter as to servants, You may have them or may not, But you'll never need to lock your door Or give your house a thought.
[* 1st appeared in V157-204;>小胖小子兒眞有哏兒→小胖子眞有趣兒>. Both differences were only in these beginning phrase, but it probable that they are indipendent variations by which collected each other. "哏兒(gen'r)" was originally commented as "amusing, pleasant". The mean of "趣兒(qu'r)" was almost same, but their sound were something differ. At present,I can not have decided they were revision or variation, so no variation was seen without these two versions. ]
◎CMG018-027 小鼓圓上圓/我媽打我眞可憐/我是我媽浮心草/在家待幾年/人家地土我掃光/人家佛爺我燒香/人家媽媽我叫娘/他媽問他你說什麽/他說鍋開豆爛煮來喫飯。
The drum on the ground is so round, so round, My mother just whipped me so sound, so sound, And I, oh dear, am as floating grass here, But I'll only remain a year, a year. A husband I'd love and serve so true, I'd worship his gods, that's what I'd do, And I'd call his mother my mother, too! "You naughty girl, what's you'd do?" "I was saying the beans are boiling nice, And its just about time to adde the rice."
[* Part of this song was also cited in BG,p.25; "A girl who has been whipped by her mother mutters to herself how she would love and serve a husband if she only had one, even going to the extent of calling that much-despised mother-in-law her mother, and when overheard by her irate parent and asked what she was saying, she answers: 'I was saying the beans are boiling nice And it's just about time to add the rice.' These are rather an indication of good cheer on the part of the children than lack of filial affection. A parent must be cruel indeed to make a girl willing to give up her mother for a mother-in-law." ]
◎CMG019-028 天河打斜/喫瓜喫茄/天河劈岔/要袴要褂/天河吊角/要袴要襖。
When e'er the Milky Way you spy Diagonal across the sky, The egg-plant you may safety eat, And all your friends to melons treat, But when divided toward the west, You'll need your trousers and your vest When like a horn you see it float, You'll need your trousers and your coat.
[* A calender rhyme. Also cited in BG,p.168 as a rhyme sung in a nursery-tale about the legend of Milky way.]
◎CMG020-029 天皇皇地皇皇/我家有個夜哭郎/過往君子念三遍/一家睡到大天亮。
The heaven is bright, The earth is bright, I have a baby who cries all night Let those who pass read what I write, And they'll sleep all night, Till broad daylight.
[* 1st appeared in V163-211. Vitale's version said the last phrase as;"一家睡到大天光." ]
○CMG021-030 小小子兒開舗兒/開開舗兒兩扇門兒/小桌子兒/小椅子兒/烏木筷子兒小碟子兒。
A wee little boy Has opened a store, In two equal parts Are his front door, A wee little table, A wee little chair, And ebony chop-sticks And plate are there.
[* Cited from V150-196>]
◎CMG022-031 蟲蟲蟲蟲飛/飛到南山/喫露水/露水喫飽了/回頭就跑了。
Lady-bug, lady-bug, Fly away, do, Fly to the mountain, And feed upon dew, Feed upon dew And sleep on a rug, And then run away Like a good little bug.
[* No details mentioned in Headland's articles. But this was a song recited in a finger amusement. One holds a baby's hands,extend the 2nd fingers and make them touch and apart each other. In『北京民間児童娛楽』p.3, there seen a words recited in the same amusement; "蟲兒蟲兒蟲兒蟲兒飛,蟲兒拉屎一大堆!." The most earliest case which I know is『広天籟集』(c.1872) No.12; "蟲兒飛雀兒飛,飛到高山喫白米…." See also 続016-006 and 続015-006. ]
◎CMG023-032 禿子禿上腦箍/箍出油來煎豆腐/豆腐黃見閻王/閻王戴着鐵帽子/嚇得禿子發瘧子。
Little baby, go to bed, We'll put a hoop around your head, And with the oil we get thereby, Our little bean-cake we will fry. And when we've fried our bean-cake brown, We'll see the king go into town, An iron cap upon his head Now-you-must-surely-go-to-bed.
[* 1st appeared in V037-058. 2verses only.]
○CMG024-033 這個人生來性兒急/清晨早起去趕集/錯穿了綠布褲/倒騎着一頭驢。
A nervous disposition He had when he was born, To hurry to a fair one day, He rose at early morn Put on his wife's green trousers And started to sale, A riding on a donkey-- His face turned toward its tail.
[* Cited from V145-192.]
◎CMG025-035 水牛兒水牛兒/先出犄角後出頭兒/你爹你媽/給你帶來的燒羊肉/你不喫不給你留/在那兒呢/在墳頭兒後頭呢。
Little snail, little snail, With your hard, stony bed, First stick out your horns, Then stick out your head. Your father and mother Have brought you some food, Fried liver and mutton, Now isn't that good? And now, little snail, Just as sure as I say You must eat it at once, Or I'll take it away. Oh where is the little snail gone, I pray tell? He has drawn himself up, head and horns, in his shell.
[* 1st appeared in V030-048. Almost same till the 4th line of this version.]
◎CMG026-036 挑水的哥聽着我說/南河沿兒你常在/晴天殷勤挑水多/陰天懶惰甚麽不作。
My brother waterman, Listen, I request, On the south river bank You sit and rest. When the day is bright, You carry all you can And when the day is dark, You're a lazy old man.
[* 1st appeared in V004-007. Differ from this at the last phrases. Originally, a riducule rhyme addressed to water carriers who were generally Shanton people.]
○CMG027-037 咩咩羊/跳花牆/抓把草/喂他娘。
It jumped the chequered wall, The bleating little lamb, And snatched a bunch of grass To feed its hungry dam.
[* Cited from V040-062. "咩" was originally wrote as "&M067165;." ]
◎CMG028-037 老張老張/頭頂破筐/剪子兩把/筷子四雙。
Old Mr.Chang, I've oft heard it said, You wear a basket upon your head You've two pair of scissors to cut your meat, And two pair of chopsticks with which you eat.
[* 3rd line was originally witten as "剪子兩把."]
◎CMG029-038 小耗子兒上燈臺/偸油喫下不來/叫奶奶奶奶不來/激溜轂轆滾下來。
He climbed up the candlestick, The little mousey brown, To steal and eat tallow, And he couldn't get down. He called for his grandma, But his grandma was in town, So he doubled up into a wheel, And rolled himself down.
[* The version cited in the Vitale's collection(V097-135) was only two lines of this case. /BG,p.10; "--Mrs. Fenn did so, and the old nurse repeated the following rhyme,very much in the tone of, The goblins'll git you if you don'tlook out.--- I asked the nurse to repeat it again, more slowly, and I wrote it down together with the translation. Now, I think it must be admitted that there is more in this rhyme to commend it to the public than there is in Jack and Jill." ]
◎CMG030-039 家走喇家喀喇/買的葫蘆摔破喇/再買呢不賣哩/家走喇。
Coming from the fair! Coming from the fair! We bought a little bottle For our baby over there Alas! for we broke it, And we tried to buy another, But the shops were all closed, So we hurried home to mother.
[* cf.a variation was also seen in 歌2-12,7「河北兒歌」.In its rhyme, a watermelon was bought instead of calabash: "家走咧,家客咧,買個西瓜栽破咧…"]
◎CMG031-040 老牛無言每日憂/牛棚夜晚冷風颼/牛皮鞔鼓用棒打/骨頭磋簪去駁頭/零碎骨/又把骰子做/牛肉割碎入湯鍋。
A sad old cow to herself once said, While the north wind whistled through her shed: "To head a drum they will take may skin, And they'll file my bones for a big hair-pin, The scraps of bone they will make into dice, And sell them off at a very low price My sinews they'll make into whips,I wot, And my flesh they'll put in a big soup pot."
[* "鞔" was meant that spread and paste the leather to the drum. "簪" was originally written by "簮." simular motif, see also『吳歌甲集』(1928)呉甲096-131; "西方路上一隻牛:三股頭麻繩穿鼻頭…拿我肉來…拿我皮來幔鼓敲!拿我骨來做簪插!拿我油來澆蠟燭!"]
◎CMG032-041 老鴉落在一棵樹/張開口就招呼/老王老王/山後有個大綿羊/你把他宰了/你喫肉我喫腸。
On old black crow sat on a tree, And there he sat and said to me: "Ho, Mr.Wang, there's a sheep on the hill, Which I wish very much you would catch and kill You may eat meat three times a day, And I'll eat the parts that you throw away"
◎CMG033-042 拉拉黑豆/拉拉黃豆/點燈沒日頭。
Pull up your black beans, Pull up your brown, Then light your lamp When the sun goes down.
◎CMG034-042 歪戴帽斜插花/尋了個媳婦會耍叉/苫披着襖趿拉鞋/尋了個媳婦愛喫茄。
If you wear your hat on the side of your head, You'll have a lazy wife, 'tis said. If a slouchy coat or slipshod feet, You'll have a wife who loves to eat.
[* Also cited in BG p.21; "--Boys are warned of the dire consequences if they wear their hats on the side of their heads or go about with ragged coats or slipshod feet. --- ." I think "喫茄" in the last phrase was meant that "she loves to smoking cigar." For "茄" could be also considered as a shorter expression of "雪茄烟 xue3jia1yan1--cigar." ]
◎CMG035-042 一抓金兒/二抓銀兒/三不笑是好人兒。
One grab silver, Two grabs gold, Three don't laugh, And you'll grow old.
[* Also cited in BG,p.29; "We have in English a rhyme:--If you be a gentleman, As I suppose you be, You'll neither laugh nor smile With a tickling of your knee.--I had tried many months to find if there were any finger, face or body games other than those already given. Our own nurse insisted that she knew of none, but one day I noticed her grabbing my little girl's knee, while she was saying: --- ." ]
●CMG036-043 玲瓏塔/塔玲瓏/玲瓏寶塔十三層。
The dragon pagoda, It touches the sky, The dragon pagoda, Thirteen stories high.
[* There was a doubt for it was cited and snatched it beginning from a long rhyme which recorded as V067-098. For it was only case that this song was recited in these shorter style.]
○CMG037-045 小白菜兒地裏黃/七八歲兒離了娘/好好兒跟着爹爹過/又怕爹爹取後娘/娶了後娘三年整/養了個兄弟比我強/他喫菜我泡湯/哭哭啼啼想親娘。
Like a little withered flower, That is dying in the earth, I am left alone at seven By her who gave me birth. With my papa I was happy But I feared he'd take another, But now my papa's married And I have a little brother. And he eats good food, While I eat poor, And cry for my mother, Whom I'll see no more.
[* Cited from V013-022. "取後娘" in the 4th line had written as "娶後娘" in the Vitale's collection. Also cited in BG,p.21-22; "We have in the Chinese Mother Goose a rhyme called the Little Orphan, which is a most pathetic tale. A little boy tells us that, --- Such a rhyme cannot but develop the pathetic and sympathetic instincts of the child, making it more kind and gentle to those in distress."]
◎CMG038-046 忽聽門外/人咬狗/拿起門來/開開手/拾起狗來/打磚頭/又被磚頭/咬了手/騎了轎子/擡了馬/吹了鼓/打喇叭。
Just outside my door,I head someone say, A man bit a dog in a dangerous way Such a message I n'er for a moment could stand, So I took up the door and I opened my hand, I snatched up the dog I should say double-quick And threw him with all of my force at brick The brick--I'm afraid you will not understand-- I found in a moment had bitten my hand I mounted a chair,on a horse I was borne, I blew on a drum,and I beat on a horn.
[* Part of this song was referred in BG,p.24; "In some of their nursery rhymes everything is said and done on the 'cart before the horse' plan. This is illustrated by a rhyme in which when the speaker heard a disturbance outside his door he discovered it was because a 'dog had been bitten by a man.' Of course, he at once rushed to the rescue. He 'took up the door and he opened his hand.' He 'snatched up the dog and threw him at a brick.' The brick bit his hand and he left the scene 'beating on a horn and blowing on a drum.'" and the many variations of these songs could be searched by the words as "人咬狗".]
○CMG039-047 小姑娘作一夢/夢見婆婆來下定/眞金條裹金條/扎花兒裙子繡花兒襖。
There was a little girl and she dreamed folks say, That her future mother-in-law came one day And gold and plated presents brought, And a flowered gown and embroidered coat.
[* Cited from V151-196. "眞" was originally used the new letter style as "真", and "襖" also witten by "袄." Now I changed them for the sake of searchin'.]
◎CMG040-048 光光碴/光光碴/廟裏和尚沒頭髮/你撂磚我撂瓦/單打和尚禿腦瓜。
Pat a cake, pat a cake, Little girl fair, There's priest in the temple Without any hair. You take a tile, And I'll take a brick, And we'll hit the priest In the back of the neck.
[* See also V064-096; "禿禿鍤,光光鍤…." ]
●CMG041-049 秦始皇砌城牆/牆頭兒矮/磴兒窄/擋着韃子過不來。
The wily Emperor,Ch'in Shih Huang, He built a wall both great and strong The steps were narrow,but the wall was stout, So it kept the troublesome Tartars out.
[* A song derived from a ballad of "孟姜女". See also V135-184. There was a doubt that it was a snatched song made up from Vitale's version as the case at the CMG036-043. But 劉復 cited this version in his「謌謠選」No.104(1919.3.17) and said it would be a riddle. And in 歌1-87,2「歌諺的起源」by 傅振倫,there also cited a version which more shorter than this. The correspondent said it was not a newly song, for Da-zi--Datthan--had already destructed by early-period in Qing dynasty. Therefore,they both had not known that it was a song of "孟姜女", and actually other version was cited(if he had not cited this and erred). It still remained a probabiliy that these shorter version currented as a rhyme of these form.]
○CMG042-050 鐵蠶豆/大把兒抓/娶了個媳婦兒/就不要媽/要媽就耍叉/耍叉就分家。
Hard worm beans Without any bother, A wife he has married And doesn't want his mother. He must leave his mother, Or quarrel with his wife, And thus they are separated All their life.
[* Cited from V058-089.]
●CMG043-051 小二哥/喫飯兒多/喫完了飯/打老婆。
He ate too much, That second brother, And when he had eaten He beat his mother.
[* A snatch of more long song. In BG,p.19-20, Headland referred to compare it with the case of "Old Mother Hubbard", and said "We find the same thing in Chinese Mother Goose. Take the following as an example: --- This was the original rhyme. Two verses have been added without rhyme, reason, rhythm, sense or good taste. They are as follows: His mother jumped up on the window-sill, But the window had no crack, She then looked into the looking-glass, But the mirror had no back. Then all at once she began to sing, But the song it had no end And then she played the monkey trick And to heaven she did ascend." Whole rhyme as he cited was V019-032. The same shorter variation was also cited in 歌2-19,5「河北兒歌」by 范岔青--but I could not yet decide this case was individual deletion from his moral, or he actuarlly collected these vereses by himself.]
●CMG044-052 剔燈棍兒/打燈花兒/爺爺兒尋了個後奶[奶兒]/眼又斜/嘴又歪/氣的爺爺兒竟發獃。
He pulled up the wick With the candlestick knife, And found he had married A bald-headed wife. Her eyes were askew, And her mouth was awry, And the silly old fellow Was so mad he could cry.
[* Perhaps uncomplete quotation from V016-027. Firstly, the word "後奶" was unnaturary expression. And in fact, no variation was seen the part was made as this case. Therefore, "奶兒" in the end of the 3rd line could be considerable to be cut for the sake of its layout in the page. ]
◎CMG045-053 新打的茶壺亮堂堂/新買的小豬不喫糠/新娶的媳婦不喫飯/眼淚汪汪想他娘。
A newly made kettle is bright, A newly bought pig is a bother, A new married wife will not eat, But cries and thinks of her mother.
[* 1st appeared in V043-065 "新打一把茶壺亮堂堂…".]
●CMG046-054 你這孩子愛陶氣/送你南窪去看瓜地/多早看的瓜熟了/叫你才回去。
There was a little fellow, Who was mischievous, they say, They sent him to the melon-patch To watch it all the day. They told him he must stay there Till the melons all were white, And not come home to mama, Not even in the night.
[* In『北平歌謠』(張178-355), "陶氣" was changed to "淘氣", and the last phrase was also changed to "才叫你回去". But no variation have seen yet. On the later case, I can not decided it was simply error or not. ]
◎CMG047-055 寒鴉兒寒鴉兒過/一遍打十個/熬着喫炒着喫/剝了皮兒更好喫。
Look at the white-breasted crows overhead! My father shot once, and ten crows tumbled dead. When boiled or when fried, they taste very good, But skin them, I tell you, there's no better food.
[* Vitale's version(V012-021) was made "炒着喫" to "煮着喫". However it would be simply error, I think it could be regarded as a variation. For the differences of this variations were not so much. It also cited in BG,p.18; "--A little child is a highly developed stomach, and anything which tells about something that ministers to the appetite and tends to satisfy that aching void, commends itself to his literary taste, and hence the popularity of many of our nursery rhymes, the only thought of which is about something good to eat. Notice the following: --- In imagination I can see the reader raise his eyebrows and mutter, 'Do the Chinese eat crows?' while at the same time he has been singing all his life about what a 'dainty dish' 'four and twenty blackbirds' would make for the 'king,' without ever raising the question as to whether blackbirds are good eating or not."]
●CMG048-056 喜兒喜兒喫豆腐/小雞兒過來嗛把穀/狗兒汪汪[要]看家/貓兒過來會撲鼠。
The thieving old magpie has taken our food, The chicken eats millet as if it were good, The faithful old watch-dog looks after the house, And the cat has come over to catch us a mouse.
[* Cited from V100-138 with an error. This editor lost "要" in the 3rd line.]
◎CMG049-057 太陽出來一點紅/師傅騎馬我騎龍/師傅騎馬沿街走/我騎蛟龍水上游。
As the sun came up, a ball of red, My teacher rode on his horse ahead, While I followed close on my dragon steed, He by the street and I by the mead.
[* A song derived from 山歌--mountain song-- song derived to the work song sung by the horse-carrieres. And these phrases were used as the beginnings of the various song likewise,V015-025; "日頭出來一點紅…."]
◎CMG050-058 疙疸疙疸下去/別叫奶奶看見/奶奶若看見/不給我們飯錢。
Bump, bump, go away Do not let our mama see If she see you on baby's head, She'll give no money for nurse's bread.
[* A charm, recite to rubbing one's head when a child hit himself. 疙疸=疙瘩.]
◎CMG051-058 麵粽子臉/梅花脚/坐着倒比/站着高。 [Ans./狗]
A plum blossom foot, And a pudding face sweet, He's taller when he's sitting Than when standing on his feet.
[* A riddle ans.a doggie. there seen a riddle derived from same idea in 歌1-68,3(1924,11.16)「謎諺歇後語研究之一斑」: "氣氣喬,氣氣喬,立着沒有坐着高。".]
●CMG052-059 我的兒我的姣/三年不見長[的]這麽高/騎着我的馬/拿着我的刀/扛着我的案板賣切糕。
My pretty little son, I love him best of all, Three years I have not seen him, And he's grown so very tall. My horse he can ride, My knife he can take, Can shoulder up my kneading board And help me sell my cake.
[* Cited from V133-182 with an error;>長的→長>.]
●CMG053-061 喜雀尾巴長/娶了媳婦[兒]不要娘/媽媽要喫窩兒薄脆/沒有閑錢補笊籬/媳婦[兒]要喫梨/備上驢/去趕集/[買了梨]/打了皮/媳婦[兒]媳婦[兒]你喫梨。
The tail of one magpie's as long as another, He married a wife and he gave up his mother, When asked by his mother to buy her some cake, He wanted to know how much money 'twould take When his wife wanted pears he saddled his beast, And started to market to buy her a feast He took off the peeling with very great airs, And asked her politely to have a few pears.
[* Perhaps cited from V060-092 with some changes. ]
◎CMG054-061 喜兒喜兒買豆腐/該我的錢/我要你見/今年臘月二十五。
The magpie sells his bean-curd dear. If you owe me, Then I would see On just five days from the end of the year.
[* 1st appeared in V101-139, 1line shorter than this version.]
○CMG055-063 小陶氣兒/跳鑽鑽兒/腦瓜兒上/梳着個小蠟千兒/一人學了八宗藝/撞鐘踢球外帶打嘎。
This mischievous boy Is jumping around, On his head is a candlestick Weighing a pound He is able to play All the nine kinds of tricks, From the bell and foot-ball To wood-ball and sticks.
[* Cited from V130-179.]
●CMG056-064 門兒敲得梆梆/狗兒咬得汪汪/我說一聲誰/騎着毛驢兒/扛着米/要細的要粗的/簸淨的量糠的。
Someone is knocking loud at the door, The dog is making a great uproar Now I inquire, who can it be? 'Tis only a donkey-man I see, Calling out at the top of his voice: Here's the place to get your rice, Coarse rice or fine, Just to your mind, Rice in the husk, Or cleaned by the wind.
[* Cited from V129-178 with an error;>量糠的簸凈的→簸淨的量糠的>. So, the order of its letter was different, but their contents and order of its translations were same.]
◎CMG057-065 出前門走十步/揀了個雞皮/補皮褲/沒有雞皮/不必補皮褲。
I went tensteps outside the gate, Which brought me to the ditches, And there I found some chicken skin, To mend my leather breeches If there had been no chicken skin, I could not mend my trousers thin.
[* A tongue-twister.]
◎CMG058-066 推磨帶磨/做個燒餅/送外婆。
We push the mill, The flour we make, And then for grandma A cake we'll bake.
[* Perhaps a song for a child amusement. Do likewise CMG060-067. Sit down opposite, hold the hand, and pullin'-and-pushin' like grinding flour with mill.]
◎CMG059-066 頭伏蘿蔔/二伏菜/三伏來了/種蕎麥。
In spring, plant the turnip, In summer, the beet, When harvest is over, We sow the buckwheat.
[* A farmer's proverb. "伏" means "伏天",30 days from the 3rd 庚日 after 夏至. "蕎麥" was originally written as "喬麥".]
◎CMG060-067 拉大鋸扯大鋸/用木頭蓋房子/給貝貝娶娘子。
We pull the big saw, We push the big saw, To saw up the wood, To build us a house, In order that baby May have a good spouse.
[* A song for amusement. Sit down opposite, hold the hand, and pullin'-and-pushin' like cuttin' a wood with saw. See also CMG113-124.]
●CMG061-069 褡連兒褡/我和褡連兒作親家/親家的姑娘病兒沉/請了個大夫把脈胗/開了個[藥]方兒把藥尋/開的是蚊子膽虼蚤心/蒼蠅翅膀[兒]要半斤。
A purse,a purse,for better or worse, Indeed,would you know it,I've married a purse. My wife's little daughter once fell very ill, And we called for a doctor to give her a pill. He wrote a prescription which now we will give her, In which he has ordered a mouquito's liver. And then in addition the heart of a flea, And half pound of fly-wings to make her some tea.
[* Cited from V038-059 with some changes;>褡連兒撘→褡連兒褡,脈診→脈胗,開了個藥方兒把藥尋→開了個方兒把藥尋,翅膀兒→翅膀>]
◎CMG062-070 丫頭子丫不看家/偸老米換芝麻/媽不能管他裹他脚/再沒有姑娘比他好。
There was a little girl, Who would run upon the street, She took rice and changed it For good things to eat. Her mother lost control of her Until she bound her feet, But now she's just as good a girl As you will ever meet.
◎CMG063-071 大肚子開舖子/沒本錢賣袴子。
The big fat merchant, He opened up a stall, But had to sell his trousers To get the capital.
●CMG064-072 姐妹二人到城東/一到城東去逛青/捎帶放風箏/大姐放的花蝴蝶/[二姐放的]活蜈蚣/飄飄起在空/好似一條龍。
There were two little sisters went walking one day, Partly for exercise--partly for play, Their kites they took with them they wanted to fly, Were a big centipede and a big butterfly In a very few moments they floated up high, Like a dragon that seemed to be touching the sky.
[* A song derived to a popular ballad titled "放風箏". Firstly, I think, one man could not contorol two kites at the same time. And considered from its rhyme and the words of other variations,the 5th line was originally coupletted with the 4th line, and this song would have lost some words. Acturlly, when it would cited in『北京的歌謠』(薛汕 1956),the editor supplied the words as above. But he didn't wrote about these revision, so the version was seen in some collections as cited from here. cf.『大同民間歌謠選』(大同市十大文芸集成為公室編 1989)p.128; "姐妹二人到城東,一道城東去踩青,捎帶上風箏,大姐放的是花蝴蝶,二姐放的是紙蜈蚣,飄起在空中,好似一條龍。"]
◎CMG065-073 有鼻有眼/不喘氣/上不了天/下不了地。 [Ans./風箏]
It has both nose and eyes, But it has not breathed since birth, It cannot go to heaven, And it will not stay on earth
[* A riddle ans. a kite.]
◎CMG066-074 黃狗黃狗/你看家/我在南邊/摘梅花。
Yellow dog, yellow dog, You stay and watch, While I gather roses In the south rose-patch.
[* a rhyme snatched from a long songlikewise V011-017. there is no shorter variation as this. but judging from the difference of its words, its not cited from other collection, and could seen as a shorter variation.]
◎CMG067-074 天明咧雞叫咧/小禿兒起來/戴帽咧。
The day has come, I hear the cock Get up and dress 'Tis six o'clock.
◎CMG068-075 高高山上一羅圈/上頭坐着個土奶奶/三根頭髮挽個纂/一心要戴兩樑纂/一戴一出溜/又戴又出溜/不戴不出溜。
On the top of the mount, By the road, on the stone-- Or a big pile of bricks-- Sat a bald-headed crone. On her head were three hairs, Which you'll reckon were thin, In which she was trying To wear a jade pin. She put it in once, But once it fell out She put it in twice, But twice it fell out. But the old woman said, "I know what I'm about, I'll not put it in And it cannot fall out."
[* See also V052-079. "纂" was originally written as "&M075496;." "兩樑&M075496;" would be mis-hearing of "涼涼簪"--a sort of hair-pin made of grass.]
◎CMG069-076 貨郎擔賣褲腿/俺家有個小嬸兒/小嬸愛喫棗餑餑/留他半個給哥哥。
While out selling clothes, As our uncle must do, He married a wife Who is aunt to us two. She loves to eat cake, As you'll readily see, For she's left but a half one For brother and me.
◎CMG070-077 別怕別怕/跟着媽媽穿袴穿褂/別號別號/跟着媽媽穿袴穿襖。
Do not fear, do not fear, We'll put the pants on mama's dear, Do not cry,Do not cry, We'll put the coat on mama's boy.
[* 『北京民間兒歌選』p.29 cited this rhyme from『北平歌謠』(張183-365), and commented "號" were pronounced as hao2. ]
●CMG071-079 豌豆糕點紅點兒/瞎子喫了睜開眼兒/瘸子喫了丢下拐/禿子喫了生小辮兒/聾子喫了聽的見/老老喫了不掉牙。
Round bean cakes with red spots bright, The blind who eat them recieve their sight They cure the deaf and heal the lame, And preserve the teeth of the aged dame. The bald who eat them grow a cue, And the priest can read his bible through, They help the Taoist a seat to take. Their virtues are many--buy my cake. The man who eats fears not his wife, And the woman workes better all her life.
[* Imitated the calling of cake-sellers. Considered to its translation, it would be probable that the original words had more than two or three phrases long. So I regarded it as an uncompleted piece. A part of this song was also cited in BG.p.25; "--In one of these children's songs, a cake-seller informs the public in stentorian tones that his wares will restore sight to the blind and that--They cure the deaf and heal the lame, And preserve the teeth of the aged dame.-- They will further cause hair to grow on a bald head and give courage to a henpecked husband." ]
◎CMG072-080 一個小夥/大肚皮/趴在房簷/編笊籬。 [Ans./蜘蛛]
Oh, my dear brother spider, With your stomach big and red, From the eaves you are hanging On a single little thread.
[* A riddle: ans. a spider.]
◎CMG073-081 小巴狗/跳南濠/又沒尾把又沒毛/有人來到他不叫/蘆葦塘裏滿處跑。 Ans./蛤蟆
The small pug dog, It jumped over there, It has no tail, And it has no hair. It never will bark, If a stranger come, But runs here and there Like a dog that is dump.
[* 『北京民間兒歌選』p.76, cited this song and commented it was a riddle; ans.:a frog.]
◎CMG074-082 和尚頭買香油/摔了罐兒撒了油/他娘說他不小心/揪着耳朶打繡球。
The little boy, He brought some oil, But fell and spilled it On the soil. His mother said: You careless lad, I'll box your ears, Because you're bad.
◎CMG075-083 長蟲長蟲一大條/又沒耳朶又沒毛/喫了一口仙法氣/叫他復活滿地跑。
A big,dead snake is lying there, It has no ears and it has no hair, I breathe on it some magic air, And it lives and is running everywhere.
●CMG076-085 上軲轆臺下軲轆臺/張家媽媽倒茶來/茶也香酒也香/十八個駱駝駝衣裳/駝不動叫麻愣/麻愣含着一口水/噴在小姐花褲腿/小姐小姐你別惱/明兒後兒車來到/甚麽車/紅轂轆轎車白馬拉/裏頭坐着個俏人家/灰鼠皮襖銀鼠褂/對子荷包小針扎/煙袋桿兒一尺八。
Up you go, Down you see, Granny's come To pour the tea The tea is sweet, The wine is too There are eighteen camels With clothes for you, The clothes are heavy, And the dragon-fly Has spurted water On your ankle-tie. Sister,sister, Stop your fuss, To-morrow the cart Will come for us What cart,you ask, The cart,of course, With large,red wheels, And a big,white horse And in it a beautiful girl,I note, With a squirrel cloak and an otter coat, Her betel-nut bag is a needle-worked charm, And the stem of her pipe is as long as your arm.
[* Cited from V002-002>噴了小姐花褲腿→噴在小姐花褲腿>]
◎CMG077-086 小金姐騎金馬/金馬不走金鞭打/瑠璃井金蝦蟆/梧桐樹金老鸛/開了廟門金菩薩/金手帶着個金娃娃。
My little golden sister Rides a golden horses slow, And we'll use a golden whip If the horse doesn't go. A little gold fish In a gold bowl, we see, And a gold colored bird On a gold blossomed tree. A gold plated god In a gold temple stands, With a gold plated baby In her gold olated hands.
[* 金老鸛=金老鴰: a crow.]
◎CMG078-088 一朶芙蓉頂上栽/錦衣不用剪刀裁/雖說不是英雄漢/一聲喊叫萬門開。 [Ans./公雞]
A cock's comb flower he wears on his head. For his clothes he needs neither thimble nor thread Though you be a great man, I'd have you know, Ten thousand doors would open if he should crow.
[* A riddle: ans.a cock. 2nd line was originally written as 錦衣不用剪刀裁.]
○CMG079-089 月亮爺亮堂堂/街坊的姑娘要嫁粧/錠兒粉棒兒香/棉花胭脂二百張。
The moonshines bright, The moon shines tair, The girl wants wedding gifts to wear in her hair A few blocks of powder, Some incense tips, And two hundred rouge-pads to paint cheeks and lips.
[* Cited from V124-172.]
◎CMG080-090 橔橔橔老米/開了鍋煮老米/你不喫我喂你。
Pound,pound, Pound the rice, The pestle goes up and down so nice, Open the pot, And if you don't eat I'll feed you rice.
[* Words recited in a boy's game. Two boy stood back to back, hooked their arms, and as one bent the other from the ground, and do thus alternating. No description in Headland's articles but its referred in BG,p.80-81 as which same to a girl's game-- 'going to town'. See also CMG131-145.]
◎CMG081-091 張奶奶李奶奶/俺家有個小嬰孩/站得穩坐不歪/好喫餑餑不喫嬭。
Mrs.Chang, Mrs.Lee, Mama has a small baby Stands up firm, Sits up straight, Won't eat milk, But lives on cake.
[* "嬭" were same for "奶"--mother's milk. But here the editor would have intend to differ it from "奶奶"--grand-ma.]
○CMG082-092 豆芽菜水淜淜/誰家的媳婦兒打公公/公公拿着拐棍兒拐/媳婦兒拿着袖口兒甩。
Good bean sprouts, The water dropping out Where's the wife that dares to drive her husband's father out? He'd take up a stick, And hit her a lick, And she could only shake her sleeve and run off quick.
[* cited from V134-183>枴棍兒拐→拐棍兒拐>]
○CMG083-093 小妞兒/坐椅子兒/錐帮子兒/衲底子兒。
The Little girl Sits on the stool, And sews the shoe And beats the sole.
[* Cited from V073-106. "錐帮子" was originally written as "錐幫子." ]
◎CMG084-093 狼來咯虎來咯/老和尚背着鼓來咯。
The wolf has come, The tiger has come, The old priest follows, Beating a drum.
[* A lullaby singin' among the Manchurian people. Chinese scholars in 1920's thought they were derived from an old custom-rhyme adressed to the first rain of the year: "風來了,雨來了,禾場背了穀來了."(『帝京景物略』,see also V070-103). Both rhymes were simulared on their form, but I can't agree those opinions. Firstly, they differed in using. Secondly, in many collections afterwards,this simple lallabies were often acompanied with various burden,likewise: "悠悠妞妞" and "啊啊啊." But no case was known about those custom rhymes. They are so simple,for I can not argue their relation only on their form. 李家瑞 cited a chapbook titled「馬寡婦開店」in his『北平俗曲略』p.23, in there, a variation of this rhyme was seen; "狼來咧,狗來咧,等娘與你打馬虎."]
○CMG085-094 錐帮子兒/納底子兒/掙了二升小米子兒/蒸蒸烙烙/喫他娘的一頓犒勞。
He stitches the heel, And he stitches the sole, Two measures of millet he gets for the whole They steam it,or fry it, When hungry they feel, And he eats with his mother a very good meal.
[* Cited from V140-189>錐幫子→錐帮子>]
◎CMG086-095 同來看同來看/黑雞下了個白雞蛋/同來瞧同來瞧/耗子長了一身毛。
All come and see! All come and see! A black he laid a white egg for me! Oh,look there! Oh,look there! A great,big rat all covered with hair.
[* A ridicule rhyme addressed to other child in the house.]
◎CMG087-096 正月裏/正月正/天將黑了點上燈/二月半/人若餓了就喫飯/三月長/人要蓋房就壘牆。
In the first month, when it is night, If you are wise, your lamp you'll light And when the second month you meet, If you are hungry you should eat And in the third month most of all To build a house you must lay a wall.
[* I thought this as calender rhyme in the first time. But consider from these contents and no variation could find in the simular calender rhyme, so it would be sort of the jingle derived from those calender rhyme. 蓋房 in the last line was originally 盖房.]
◎CMG088-097 外甥是老老/家的狗/喫飯了/他就走。
My nephew is a naughty boy, He comes here every day He eats until he's very full, And then he runs away.
[* A radicule song. Also seen a variation was cited in『井陘縣志料』(1934 vol.10):"外甥子是狗。外甥子是狗。喫了老娘家的飯就要走。"]
◎CMG089-097 花椒樹嗡嗡嗡/唱個唱兒/奶奶聽。
A red pepper flower, Ling, ling, ling, Mama will listen And baby will sing.
◎CMG090-098 上山的騾子/下山的馬/平地的毛驢/不用打。
A mule going up hill, A donkey on the street, Or a horse coming down hill You never ought to beat.
◎CMG091-099 小小花盆綠陰陰/裏頭栽的萬年青/娘娘房裏生貴子/爹爹在外發萬金/爺爺太太老壽星。
A wee little flower-pot, very deep green, With just the sweetest flowers that ever were seen Mother with her babies playing very funny, Father doing business, making lots of money, Grandpa very old, but never going to die, Grandma just as bright as a star in the sky.
[* 爹爹 in the 4th line and 爺爺 in the last line were originally substituted each other. Corrected from its translation and other variation. Thought as a sort of charm which pray for family glad. see also V169-218;"壽星老兒福祿星…".]
○CMG092-100 金軲轆棒銀軲轆棒/爺爺兒打板兒/奶奶兒唱/一唱唱到大天亮/養活[了]個孩子沒處兒放/一放放在鍋臺上/&M056013;兒&M056013;兒喝米湯。
A glit-wood mace, And silvered things, My grandfather plays, And grandmother sings My grandmother sings till broad daylight, And baby comes to our home at night They place the child by the pot on the ground, And it eats rice soup with a sucking sound.
[* Cited from V020-034. &M056013; was written as 嗞 in the Vitale's collection. It's his original to express the sucking sound to wrote by 嗞.]
◎CMG093-101 一場秋風/一場涼/一場白露/一場霜/嚴霜單打/獨根草/螞蚱死在/草根上。
The rain has come And has overflowed, The drew and the frost Are on the road. The last of the grass Has drooped its head The cicada is on it, Frozen dead.
[* 1st appeared in this collection. In 歌1-43「彈北京的歌謠(續)」,常惠 said this was Headland's big-mistake. 'Cause it's not a nursery rhyme but only a snatch of a popular ballad,titled「王二姐」or「摔鏡架」. However he said, some variation belongin' its kind and some parody derived it were cited in some collections afterwards. I think it was certain that this song was derived from the popular ballad as he said. But it had already currented as a common song,and even a sort of nursery rhymes, when Headland had collected. ]
○CMG094-103 小小子兒/胖咕圇墪兒/&M045116;臂上戴着個金鐲子兒/身穿着紅兜肚綠褲子兒/腦袋瓜兒梳着個歪毛兒/一笑倆酒窩一走一哆嗉/拉着姐姐咱門買果子。
My dear little brother, Is fat and is round, A bracelet he wears on his arm, A red chest protector, A green pair of pants, Keep him neither too cool nor too warm. A small tuft of hair On the side of his head, In his cheeks dainty dimples that suit When he toddles he trembles, To sister he says: "Tum an'buy itty bothy some f'uit."
[* Cited from V090-127>身穿→身穿着,偺們→偺門>]
◎CMG095-104 老婆婆賣饃饃/賣不了往家跑/門閑高絆倒了/小扒狗搶喫了。
There was an old woman, As I have heard tell, She went to sell pie, But her pie would not sell. She hurried back home, But her door-step was high, And she stumbled and fell And a dog ate her pie.
[* 劉復 cited this rhyme in his「謌謠選」No.110(1919.3.25),and he also corrected some words in there. Among these, 門閑高 was written as 門檻高. Perhaps he seen 閑(xian) as a temporary expression of 間(jian), jian was same sound as 檻, and 門檻 was meant the threshold. But 門檻 was read as men-kan in this meaning. So it's good that he thought 門閑 as a thresholds, but I think it should have been changed to 門限(men2xian4) in this case. Again 小扒狗 in the last line he changed to 小巴狗, its also wrote as 小叭狗--little doggie. There is a variation as if set with this song on its story; "小老漢,賣饃饃。賣的不够本,回家打老婆。老婆說:不怨我。怨咱的饃饃分量小。"(『井陘縣志料』)]
◎CMG096-105 河蟆河蟆跳搭搭/東洋大海有他家/閑來無事叫嘎嘎/不叫爸爸叫媽媽。
Froggie, old froggie, Come over to me, You'll never go back To your home in the sea. You're an idle old croker As ever I saw, And if not calling papa, You're calling mama.
[* Also cited in LCG,p.38 "As darkness began to gather over the garden, the old frog of which the children were very fond hopped upon the edge of the pond, and sang his evening song, while Chenchu repeated the following rhyme: --- pronouncing the words papa and mamma in such a way as to imitate the voice of the frog." This rhyme would be cited in other early collections by Chinese editors, but some of them had easily changed 河蟆 he-ma to 蝦蟆 or 蛤蟆 ha-ma. But he-ma was thought to a dialect saying in Manchurian people in Peking, and the heroine--Chenchu-- in above was also described as a girl whose father was a 'high official by the Emperor'. Again if 河蟆 was only expression for froggies whole in this collection, its could thought to mis-understand by the editor. But its only case in this collection, froggie in other rhymes were written as 蝦蟆--the common expression in Pekinese. So its good for consider to have a reason for these distinction. ]
◎CMG097-106 懶老婆/做飯不刷鍋/掃地土/屋裏放着/未曾睡覺扒個草窩。
The lazy woman She sweeps the floor, And leaves the dirt Inside the door. She cooks her rice In a dirty pot, And sleeps at night On an old straw cot.
●CMG098-107 勤謹老婆好體面/賍在家裏老不見/飯好乾淨王可納/衣裳齊整頭髮滑。
The tidy woman Is always clean, No dirt in her home Is ever seen Her food is fit For a king to eat, And her hair and clothes Are always neat.
[* Judging from its translation, "賍(zang1--stolen thing)" in the 2nd line may be an error of "脏(zang1--dust,dirt)". but I have not yet see other variation, I can't be sure.]
◎CMG099-108 點點點牛眼/牛眼花/一根皮條兩個瓜/有錢的買着喫,/沒錢的去了他。
One,two,three,and an old cow's eye, When a cow's eye's blind she'll surely die. A piece of skin and a melon,too, If you have money I'll sell to you, But if you're without, I'll put you out.
[* Words recited in a girl's game. described in BG,p.92; " 'The cow's eye.' Immediately the girls all sat down in a ring and put their feet together in the centre. Then one of their number repeated the following rhyme, tapping a foot with each accented syllable. --- The foot on which her finger happened to rest when she said "out" was excluded from the ring. Again she repeated the rhyme excluding a foot with each repetition till all but one were out." 王文寶 also mentioned to this game in his『北京民間児童娛楽』p.149, said this game was playing on the on-tol. And the words were; "點,點,點牛眼,牛眼花,一條枇杷兩根瓜,有錢兒的買着喫,沒錢的,去了它。" And a variation was also cited in『固安縣志』(1943); "點,點,點牛眼。牛眼花,一個皮條兩根瓜。有錢的莫着喫,無錢的屈了他。",and 続014-006, but both of those did not mention to their games.]
◎CMG100-109 上打三通鼓/下打鼓三通/兩邊一齊打/當間開大縫。
You strike three times on the top, you see, And strike three times on the bottom for me, Then top and bottom you strike very fast, And open a door in the middle at last.
[* No description about this rhyme in the Headland's articles. And its have been no variation or a note in the collections afterwards. So its dificult to explain this rhyme. But I think its probable to be a words recited in playin' 翻掌(fan1zhang3)--a finger amusement with a round thread. For 翻掌 was also said as 翻花鼓 or 打線鼓 and the form they made first were called as 單鼓架 and 雙鼓架. So they would be connected on the words in this rhyme. Again, in the photograph with this rhyme, two girls stand opposite and open their hands as some strange form. One girl up her left hand by her face, and open apart her 2nd finger from others, her right hand was fewly lower than left,1st and 5th finger was apart from others. Other one up her right hand and open between 3rd and 4th finger, and her left, 2nd and 5th finger were apart from others. One man said they would be playing 猜拳--a sort of the finger amusement playing each other. But the girls in photograph did not saw each other, they only gazed their hands and fingers by themselves. Its so starnge for play something together, but if they playin' to make some form with round thread by themselves, I think it could be realized the mystery of their finger and their eyes. ]
◎CMG101-110 三馬喫草三馬喫料/兩人打架/老太太說罷罷罷/小孩兒在屋裏嘎拉嘎拉。
Three horses are drinking, Three horses are feeding, The two men are fighting, The old woman pleading, The baby is crying, But no one is heeding.
[* 1st appeared in『天籟集』(c.1662) No.39; "三個官兒在樓上喫酒,三匹馬兒在樓下喫草,兩個老兒在街上相打…." A play-song for finger amusement. See also 続103-053; "樓上三人喝酒,樓下三馬喫草…."]
◎CMG102-111 排門兒/見人兒/聞味兒/聽聲兒/食飯兒/下扒壳兒/胳肢胳兒。
Knock at the door, See a face, Smell an odor, Hear a voice, Eat your dinner, Pull your chin,or Ke chih,ke chih.
[* Also cited in BG,p.28 "The following rhyme explains itself: The nurse knocks on the forehead, then touches the eye, nose, ear, mouth and chin successively, as she repeats: --- Tickling the child's neck with the last two expressions."]
◎CMG103-112 買花來/買花來/你不買花花就壞。
Flowers for sale, Flowers for sale, Come buy my flowers Before they get stale.
[* Described in BG,p.86-87, but these description was said it done as a improvised game to be the sequel to another game "This game[CMG105-113] suggested to our little friend another which proved to be the sequel to the one just described, and she called out: 'The flower-seller.' The girl who had just been dismissed appeared from behind the corner of the house with all the stolen 'flowers,' each holding to the other's skirts. At the same time she was calling out: --- The original owner hereupon appeared and called to her: "Hey! come here, flower-girl, those flowers look like mine," and she took one away. The flower-seller did not stop to argue the question but hurried off crying: Flowers for sale, etc. The original owner again called to her: 'Ho! flower-seller, come here, those flowers are certainly mine,' whereupon she took them all and whipped the flower-seller who ran away crying."]
◎CMG104-112 套來套去/套水井/又過來了/座花瓶。
You first cross over, and then cross back, And step in the well as you cross the track, And then there is something else you do, Oh, yes, you make a flower-pot too.
[* Words recited in girl's game. Also mentioned in BG,p.87 " 'Flower-pot.' The girls divided themselves into companies of three and stood in the form of a triangle, each with her left hand holding the right hand of the other, their hands being crossed in the centre. Then by putting the arms of two back of the head of the third she was brought into the centre (steps into the well), and by stepping over two other arms, she goes out on the opposite side, so that whereas she was on the left side of this and the right side of that one, she now stands on the right side of this and the left side of that girl. In the same way the second and third girls go through, and so on as long as they wish to keep up the game, saying or singing the following rhyme: --- "]
◎CMG105-113 澆花澆花澆花難/你不澆花花就乾/一盆水一壺茶/澆好水開好花/一盆水二盆水/開好花開大的。
I water the flowers, I water the flowers, I water them morning and evening hours, I never wait till the flowers are dry, I water them e're the sun is high. A basin of water, a basin of tea, I water the flowers, they're op'ning you see. A basin of water, another beside, I water the flowers, they're opening wide.
[* Words recited in a girl's game. Also mentioned in BG,p.84-86 " 'Water the flowers,' said the small leader. Several of them squatted down in a circle, put their hands together in the centre to represent the flowers. One of their number gathered up the front of her garment in such a way as to make a bag, and went around as if sprinkling water on their heads, at the same time repeating: I water the flowers--- She then left a servant in charge of them while she went to dinner. While she was away one of them was stolen. Returning she asked: 'How is this that one of my flowers is gone?''A man came from the south on horseback and stole one before I knew it. I followed him but how could I catch a man on horseback?' After many rebukes for her carelessness, she again sang: A basin of water---op'ning you see. Again she cautioned the servant about losing any of the flowers while she went to take her afternoon meal, but another flower was stolen and this time by a man from the west. When the mistress returned, she again scolded the servant, after which she sang: A basin of water---they're opening wide. This was continued until all the flowers were gone. One had been taken by a carter, another by a donkey-driver, another by a muleteer, another by a man on a camel, and finally the last little sprig was eaten by a chicken. The servant was soundly berated each time and cautioned to be more careful, which she always promised but never performed, and was finally dismissed in disgrace without either a recommendation, or the wages she had been promised when hired. The game furnishes large opportunity for invention on the part of the servant, depending upon the number of those to be stolen. This little girl seemed to be at her wit's end when she gave as the excuse for the loss of the last one that it had been eaten by a chicken."]
○CMG106-115 有個小禿兒本姓高/初一十五把香燒/人家燒香為兒女/禿子燒香為長毛/到了三天毛長上/又燒香又掛袍/到了三天毛掉了/搬倒了老爺架火燒/老爺一見冲冲怒/拿起大刀就開瓢。
There once was a bald-head, his name it was Lee, No one ever burned so much incense as he Now, people burn incense to get them an heir, But baldy burned incense to get him some hair. When he found in three days all his hair had returned, He the god gave a coat and more incense he burned When he found in three days all his hair had dropped out, He upset the god and he kicked him about. Then the god became angry and took up a sword, And made into dippers that bald-head gourd.
[* Cited from V086-122.]
◎CMG107-116 樹葉青/齊王選他作正宮/樹葉黃/齊王選他作娘娘。
When the leaves are green, And full of life, The king will want you For his wife. When the leaves are yellow From time and tide, The king will want you For his bride.
[* Perhaps connected to the tales of 宿瘤採桑--a tale of a chastity woman-- derived from『蒙求』or『列女傳』. In 歌1-43「談北京的歌謠(續)」常惠 cited this and compared with a song titled「英烈春秋」, one of the chant of 彈詞--music with instrument of Southern China.]
◎CMG108-117 偸人的針偸人的線/長個針眼叫人看/偸人的貓偸人的狗/長個針眼叫人瞅。
If you steal a needle, Or steal a thread, A pimple will grow Upon your head. If you steal a dog Or steal a cat, A pimple will grow Beneath your hat.
[* Also cited in BG,p.21 "In other rhymes, children are warned against stealing, but the penalty threatened is rather an indication of the untruthfulness of the parent or nurse than a promise of reform in the child, for they are told that, --- ." A variation was seen in『北京民間兒歌選』p.138; "偸人針,偸人線,長個針眼讓人看;偸人的貓,偸人的狗,長個針眼讓人瞅." ]
○CMG109-119 黑老婆兒滿地滾/嗔着他男人不買粉/買了粉他不搽/嗔着他男人不買麻/買了麻他不打/嗔着他男人不買馬/買了馬他不喂/嗔着他男人不買櫃/買了櫃他不盛/嗔着他男人不買繩/買了繩他上吊/嚇了他男人一大跳。
All over the ground the old black woman rolled, And for not buying powder her husband did scold He bought her some powder, which she would not use, And for not buying hemp him she'd soundly abuse He bought her some hemp, but she only got worse, And scolded because he had not bought a horse He bought her a horse but she never would feed it, And scolded because 'twas a clothes-press she needed, He bought her a clothes-press, but nothing she packed, And scolded because 'twas a rope that she lacked And frightened her husband near out of his head.
[* Cited from V089-125.>弔→吊>]
◎CMG110-120 疤瘌眼去趕集/拾了個蘿蔔當甜梨/咬一口怪辣的/扔了他可惜了兒的。
A scarred eyed man, He went to the fair, He picked up a turnip And thought it was a pear; He took a big bite, But found it was bitter, And, oh, what a pity, He threw it in the gutter.
[* 疤瘌眼 was also written as 疤拉眼. A ridicule rhyme addressed to a man who have pock-mark on his eyelid. See also 続124-061; "疤拉眼兒,開茶館兒…". The phrase "…蘿蔔當甜梨" was seen in some other rhymes, but this variation were rare. A northern variation was cited in 許牧野『中国民謠選集』p.661; "疤痢眼眞眞怪,穿皮襖毛朝外…拿蘿蔔當甜梨;咬一口怪辣地睜睜眼挑大的。"(吉林).]
◎CMG111-121 瞎子瞎拿棍夾/夾到河裏喂蝦蟆/蝦蟆一伸頭/咬你的脚指頭。
Old Mr.blind man, come here quick, I see you carry a feeling-stick To the river side you take your way, And feed the froggies every day A frog, one day, struck out his head, And bit your toe, I've heard it said.
[* A ridicule rhyme addressed to blind-men. 喂蝦蟆 was originally written as #x9927;蝦蟆. A simular words was seen in the words used in the blind man's buff "送啊送,送瞎子喏,送到河里摸鴨子喏。"(see 王文寶『北京民間兒童娛樂』p.155).]
◎CMG112-123 從南來了個禿丫頭/胳膊上跨着個破笆斗/裏頭有堆羊骨頭/伸手拿骨頭/送在口裏齦骨頭/那邊來了個大馬猴/來搶羊骨頭/身後跟着個大花狗/要咬大馬猴/地下有個破磚頭/絆到了禿丫頭/撒了羊骨頭/狗咬大馬猴/折壞了破笆斗。
A small boy came from the south of the farm, With a bamboo basket upon his arm, With mutton bones was the basket filled, From a sheep which his folks that day had killed. A monkey came from a pile of stones To steal that boy's fresh mutton bones, But a big,spotted dog followed close at his heels, To bite a bad monkey whenever he steals. A half of brick lay there on the road, It upset the boy and he split out his load, The dog bit the monkey,the monkey ran away, The boy broke his basket and cried all day.
[* A tongue-twister. 個 was partly written by 个, and 胳膊 was originally written 肑膊, this style was only case in the collection. "丫頭" was a word generally called for a girl. So this translation said it as "small boy", but 張150-299 cited this and changed it as "a baldheaded girl".]
◎CMG113-124 拉大鋸扯大鋸/姥姥門口唱大戲/接姑娘請女婿/小孩兒跟着跑了去。
We pull the big saw, And we push it out straight, There's a Punch and a Judy At grand mother's gate, Our sisters and brothers Invite to the show, And all of us, even The baby, shall go.
[* See also V001-001,CMG060-067.]
◎CMG114-125 老瓜瓢老瓜瓢/渾身上下長白毛/趁着風兒吹上去/掉在地上摔不着。
Thistle-seed, thistle-seed, Fly away, fly, The hair on your body Will take you up high Let the wind whirl you Around and around, You'll not hurt yourself When you fall to the ground.
[* 老瓜瓢 would be thought as the childish-name of the fruits and the seeds of Cynanchum atratum Bge., also called as 拉瓜瓢 or 馬奶奶.]
◎CMG115-127 爬草根兩頭分/路中來了小學生/騎花馬拜丈人/丈人丈母不在家/推開門來看見他/粉紅臉賽桃花/小小脚一抐挓/櫻桃小口糯米銀牙。
While raking the hay on the mountain, A student came riding along, He was riding a dapple-gray pony, And singing a scrap of a song. To the home of his bride he was going, But her father and mother were out, And he saw,as he pushed the door open, The girl he was thinking about. Her cheeks were as pink as a rose-bud, Her teeth were as white as a pearl, Her lips were as red as a cherry, Most truly a beautiful girl.
[* One of the song identifed by the phrase named 看見她. 董作賓 cited this song in his articles(歌1-62,5), and said it judging from compared to the other variations,this version would not be occured in Peiking originally. See also V005-009; "沙土地兒,跑白馬…."]
◎CMG116-128 大拇哥/二拇弟/鐘鼓樓/護國寺/小妞妞/愛聽戲。
A great,big brother, And a little brother,too, A big bell tower, And a temple and a show, And little baby wee,wee, Always wants to go.
[* Also cited in BG,p.27 with the next rhyme "If it is the hand that is played with the fingers…(see CMG117-129)…The above is the Shantung version. In Peking it is as follows: --- ".]
◎CMG117-129 這個老這個小/這個沒的喫/這個去買甘草/這個去趕集。
This one's old, This one's young, This one has no meat, This one's gone To buy some hay, And this one's on the street.
[* Also cited in BG,p.27 "If it is the hand that is played with the fingers are taken hold of one after another, as the parent, or nurse, repeats the following rhyme: --- There are various forms of this rhyme, depending upon the place where it is found. The above is the Shantung version."]
◎CMG118-129 風奶奶/送風來/俺家孩子/好涼快。
Old Mother Wind Come this way And make our baby Cool to-day.
◎CMG119-129 洗洗臉/不長疙疸不長癬/洗洗頭/給你穿上紅綾紬。
Wash your face, you little tease, And you'll be free from all disease Wash your head, your face, and throat, And you shall have a red silk coat.
[* 疙疸, see also 疙瘩.]
●CMG120-130 大禿子得病/二禿子慌/三禿子請大夫/四禿子熬薑湯/五禿子擡六禿子埋/七禿子哭着走進來/八禿子問他哭甚麽/我家死了個禿乖乖/快快兒擡快快兒埋/[別讓那個葫蘆子兒迸出來]。
A bald-head is sick, And the second's afraid, The third calls a doctor, The fourth gives him aid. By the fifth he is borne, By the sixth he is buried, The seventh comes crying Because he is worried. When asked by an eighth, Why it was that he cried, He said, "In my home, A dear bald-head has died." "Come, buy him quickly, I fear a great hoard Of the seeeds of his spirit Will spring from his gourd."
[* Compared with V022-036,the last phrase was lost in this collection, but judging from its translation,it should be consider as a quotation, and the lost would be caused by it layouted in space.]
◎CMG121-132 大狗上京了/小狗跑了/雞蛋砸了/油撒了/你是碾子/我是磨。
The big dog's gone to the city The little dog's run away The egg has fallen and broken, And the oil's leaked out, they say. But you be a roller And hull with power, And I'll be a millstone And grind the flour.
[* Song recited in girl's game. Judging from which described in BG,p.81, this words originally continued more dialogues " 'turning the mill.' The girls took hold of each other's hands, just as the boys do in 'churning butter,' but instead of turning around under their arms they turn half way, put one arm up over their head, bringing their right or left sides together, one facing one direction and one the other then, standing still, the following dialogue took place: --- Then, as they began to turn, they repeated: The big dog's gone to the city The little dog's run away The egg has fallen and broken, And the oil's leaked out, they say. But you be a roller And hull with power, And I'll be a millstone And grind the flour." ]
◎CMG122-133 排排/排燕窩/排出錢來/買餑餑。
Pat, pat, A swallow's nest we'll make, And if we pat some money out We'll buy ourselves a cake.
[* Song for a boy's amusement with making 燕兒窩. Put a hand on the ground, and make a mound over the hand. Then slowly draw away the hand, if it will not crumble, the hole is called 燕兒窩--the swallow's nest. Compared from its variations,the words which Headland cited had doubtly added some changes on it. For many of other variations said what bought by 'money' were not some cake,but 'some wine'. See 続011-005.]
○CMG123-134 槐樹槐/槐樹底下搭戲臺/人家的姑娘都來了/我家的姑娘還不來/說着說着就來了/騎着驢打着傘/光着脊梁挽着纂。
The locust trees, See how they grow! Here in their shade We will have a show. Other people's children All have come, But my little girl Is still at home Just as speak, She is coming along, Riding a donkey And singing a song. Her parasol open She holds in her hand, Her hair is done up In a neat little band.
[* Cited from V018-031.]
○CMG124-136 鼓鼕鼕坐大轎/誰給姑娘喝着道/鼓鼕鼕坐大轎/喝兒喝喝着道。
Beat the drum, beat the drum, We're coming in a chair, Who will clear the way For the girl that's coming here? Beat the drum, beat the drum, See the chair is coming, Ho'rh ho! clear the way! Don't you hear the druming?
[* Perhaps a song used in a amusement like knee-ridings. see also V107-146, 平013-007.]
○CMG125-137 高高山上一窩豬/兩口子打架孩子哭/孩子孩子你別哭/等[着]我打那個老丈夫。
On the top of a mountain There stands a pig-stye And the fighting of parents Has made the child cry. Baby, baby, Don't you cry, Wait, and I'll whip The old man by-and-by.
[* Cited from V142-190. 着 in the last line would be cut by its space for it layout in the page.]
◎CMG126-139 羅鍋子橋羅鍋子橋/一磴兒到比一磴兒高/燈籠兒閘草水皮兒漂/銀魚兒咬着金魚兒尾/大肚子蝦蟆石上坐着/哇兒呱哇兒呱哇兒呱的叫。
If you chance to be crossing The camel-back bridge, Each step leads you up Till you come to the ridge. The lantern-grass floats On the pond like a sail, The silver-fish bites At the gold-fish's tail. The big-bellied frog Sitting there on the rock, Keeps constantly calling Wa'rh wa, wa'rh wa.
[* See also V034-055,平027-013.]
◎CMG127-140 小眼兒看景致兒/小鼻子聞香氣兒/小耳朶聽好音兒/小嘴兒喫玫瑰兒。
Little eyes see pretty things, Little nose smells what is sweet, Little ears hear pleasant sounds, Mouth likes luscious things to eat.
◎CMG128-141 翻餅烙餅/油炸餡餅/激溜軲轆一個。
We turn the cake, The cake we bake, We put in oil, or pork, or steak And when 'tis done, We'll have some fun, And give a piece to every one.
[* "油炸" was originally written as "油&M075485;." This "&M075485;" would be read as zha2, perhaps a temporary letter, same as "&M075478;" seen in Vitale's collection. Now almost they were written by 炸 or 渣. A words for boy's amusement. Details were see V051-078. See also 続104-053.]
◎CMG129-143 牛犄角吹哵咧/花紅轎娶姐姐/誰趕車我哥哥/誰坐席我二姨/誰添箱我姑娘/誰燒火他老婆。
A big cow's horn We will blow, blow, blow, To sister's wedding feast We will go, go, go. Who will drive the cart? My big brother Who will eat the feast? A sister of my mother. Who will pack her trunk? My sister, whom you saw Who will light the fire? Her own mother-in-law.
[* "犄角" was originally written as "觭角."]
●CMG130-144 糊糊糊豬肉/大鍋裏香/二鍋裏臭/請王媽媽來喫豬肉
Roast,roast, Roast pig meat, The second pot smells bad, The big pot is sweet Come, Mrs.Wang, please, And eat pig meat.
[* "豬肉"-pig meat- would be revision by Headland. Perhaps these were originally recited as "狗肉"-dog meat-. A word for a game. 1st appeared in V063-095; "糊糊,糊狗肉嘔…." But no details were mentioned in Vitale's collection. Headland described it in BG,p.64-66. And also in there, he recovered the "pig-meat" to "dog-meat" as follows; "-- 'Roast dog meat.' The children gathered in a group, put the palms of their hands together, squatted in a bunch or ring, and placed their hands together in the centre to represent the pot. The boy on the left of the illustration represents Mrs. Wang, the guest of the occasion, while Chi himself stands on the right with his hand on the head of one of the boys. Chi walked around the ring while he sang:--Roast, roast, roast dog meat, The second pot smells bad, The little pot is sweet, Come, Mrs. Wang, please, And eat dog meat.--He then invited Mrs. Wang to come and partake of a dinner of dog meat with him, and the following conversation ensued.--I cannot walk. I'll hire a cart for you. I'm afraid of the bumping. I'll hire a sedan chair for you. I'm afraid of the jolting. I'll hire a donkey for you. I'm afraid of falling off. I'll carry you. I have no clothes. I'll borrow some for you. I have no hair ornaments. I'll make some for you. I have no shoes. I'll buy some for you.-- This conversation may be carried on to any length, according to the fertility of the minds of the children, the excuses of Mrs. Wang at times being very ludicrous. All these, however, being met, the host carries her off on his back to partake of the dainties of a dog meat feast."]
◎CMG131-145 上去下來/蘿蔔要賣水壺要拿/咱們瞧咯/天上瞧什麽月亮星星/地裏瞧什麽水井/井裏瞧什麽蝦蟆/蝦蟆說什麽起來/起來格尔瓜格尔瓜。
Up you go,down you see, Here's a turnip for you and me Here's a pitcher,we'll go to town Oh,what a pity,we've fallen down. What do you see in the heavens bright? I see the moon and the stars at night. What do you see in the earth,pray tell? I see in the earth a deep,deep well. What do you see in the well,my dear? I see a frog and his voice I hear. What is he saying there on the rock? Get up,get up,ke'rh kua,ke'rh kua.
[* "蘿蔔" was originally written to "羅蔔". Words recited in a girl's game, also described in BG,p.80-81; "This small girl after some delay took control of the party and began arranging them for a game, which she called 'going to town,' similar to one which the boys called 'pounding rice.' Two of the girls stood back to back, hooked their arms, and as one bent the other from the ground, and thus alternating, they sang: Up you go, down you see--- At which point they both sat down back to back, their arms still locked, and asked and answered the following questions: What do you see in the heavens bright?--- They then tried to get up, but, with their arms locked, they found it impossible to do so, and rolled over and got up with great hilarity." "Pounding Rice",see CMG080-090.]
●CMG132-147 紅葫蘆軋腰兒/我是爺爺的肉姣兒/我是哥哥的親妹子/我是嫂子的氣包兒/爺爺爺爺賠甚麽/大箱大櫃賠姑娘/奶奶奶奶賠甚麽/針線笸籮兒賠姑娘/哥哥哥哥賠甚麽/花布手巾賠姑娘/嫂嫂嫂嫂賠甚麽/破罈子/[爛罐子]/[打發那丫頭嫁漢子。]
Oh the pumpkin red, oh the gourd decayed, I am my father's mischievous maid I am my brother's dear little sister I am my sister-in-law's fly-blister. Father, when I marry, what will you give? A box and a ward-robe you shall receive. Mother, when I marry, what will you bring? A little work-basket full of everything. Brother, when I marry, what will come from you? A fancy close towel think that will do? My happiness, sister, you will not mar? I'll give a broken bottle and a little smashed jar, And send you, you nuisance, away very far.
[* Cited from V055-084, last 2 phrases would be omitted for layout in the page. For its translation was continued to the end of the original verses.]
◎CMG133-148 希拉花拉跳鎖來/甚麽鎖/金鋼打的黃花鎖/甚麽開/笤帚疙瘩鑰匙開/開不開鐵棍打/打不開石頭&M012026;/&M012026;不開/希拉花拉開城來。
Oh, here we all go to buy us a lock, What kind of a lock shall it be? We'll buy one of silver or buy one of gold? But what shall we use asa a key? We'll use a broom-handle if that will not do, With a poker we'll try it alone But if neither the broom nor the poker will do, We will open it then with a stone.
[* "笤帚疙瘩" was originally written as "筿箒疙瘩"--tiao2 zhou3 ge1 da--, means a little table-broom,used for sweepin' on the bed or cupboard. 疙瘩 was also written by 疙&M075296;,means a bump. 開 in the last line could not clealy read in the original copy. No description on the Headland's articles. Details were mentioned in『兒歌三百首』(1990)p.53, said "This song was recited when children playing 跳鎖. A company of children make a line by holding hand in hand. First time,two children who stood in the both ends sung this song each other. And when the song reached to the end, children followed by one end, go through the gate which made by the hands of two children at the other end. One through, one child became 鎖. Thus continued till whole children would became to 鎖.]
●CMG134-149 雉雞翎/抱馬城/馬城開/丫頭小子送馬來。
He stuck a feathe in his hat, And hurried to the town, And children met him with a horse For the gates were broken down.
[* "抱" would be mis-written of "跑." This error was succeeded from V068-100. Vitale said it was a song play with 竹馬. But Headland referred in his book as a song singin' in other game " 'Forcing the city gates,' he answered. 'Play it for me.' The boys at once appointed captains who chose sides and they formed themselves into two lines facing each other, those of each line taking fast hold of each other's hands. The boys on one side then sang: --- Then one from the other side ran with all his force, throwing himself upon the hands of the boys who had sung, the object being to "break through," in which case he took the two whose hands had been parted to "his side," while if he failed to break through he had to remain on their side. The others then sang. One from this group tried to break through their line, and thus they alternated until one side or the other was broken up."]
○CMG135-150 高高山上有一家/十間房子九間塌/老頭子出來拄拐棍兒/老婆子出來就地兒擦/看家的狗兒三條腿/避鼠的貍貓短個尾巴。
On a very high mountain A family dwell, Of ten of their rooms, Nine of them fell. The old man comes out With a great deal of trouble His wife hobbles after, Her body bent double, Their three-legged dog Is as thin as a rail, And their rat-fearing cat Is minus a tail.
◎CMG136-152 新年來到糖瓜祭竈/姑娘要花小子要炮/老頭子要買新氈帽/老婆子要喫大花糕。
You'll find whene'er the new year come, The kitchen god will want a plum The girls will want some floweres new, The boys will want some crackers,too A new felt cap will please papa, And sugar-cake will please mama.
[* "祭竈" was originally written as "祭竈." Most earliest case I knew was cited in『鄉言解頤』(c.1849)vol.4「新年十事―爆竹」; "糖瓜祭竈,新年來到。閨女要花,小兒要爆。" variation see also V122-170,平200-104.]
◎CMG137-153 一隻船兩頭高/渾身沒板淨生毛/天天要裝紅糧米/船底無縫可漏脚。 [Ans./鵝]
My boat is turned up at both ends, All storms it encounters it weathers On its body you'll find not a board, But covered all over with feathers. We daily re-load it with rice, 'Tis admired by all whom we meet, You will find not a crack in my boat, But you'll find underneath it two feet: A duck.
[* A riddle. "紅糧米" was originally written as "紅糧米."]
◎CMG138-155 拍拍拍門來是誰阿/是張老媽阿/怎不進來怕狗咬阿/手裏兜着是什麽阿長蒜草阿/胳肢窩夾着是什麽阿/破皮襖阿怎不穿阿/怕跳蚤咬阿/老伴怎不拿阿/老伴死咯/那兒埋咯牆爐子底下/怎不哭阿/盆兒罐兒老伴兒。
Knocking, knocking, who's at the door? Old Granny Chang,and nothing more. Why don't you enter,granny,dear? The dog will bite me,child,I fear. What are you shaking there at your feet? A string of garlic,good to eat. What are you carrying under your arm? An old fur cloak to keep me warm. Why don't you put the cloak on,granny? Fear the insects will bite me,sonny. Why don't your husband kill such a pest? My husband's gone to the land of rest. Where is the old man's burial spot? There,in the fire-place,under the pot. Why don't you cry for your husband true? Old pot! old pan!! old man!!! boo-hoo!!!!
[* see also 平151-080.]
◎CMG139-156 嘁得嘁/喀得喀/你追我/我追他。
A Peacock feather On a plum-tree limb, You catch me, And I'll catch him.
[* Judging from its title and its photograph whith illustrated with, it would be a words recited with playing blind man's buff. And its translation was so strange for its original words. No description on his articles about this words, but Chinese 'blind man's buff' was mentioned in BG,p.55-56 " 'Blind man,' he said quietly. At once a handkerchief was tied around the eyes of one of the boys who was willing to be 'blind man,' and a game corresponding almost exactly to our own 'blind man's buff' was played, without the remotest embarrassment, but with as much naturalness as though neither teacher nor spectator was near them." and there used the same photograph with this song.]
◎CMG140-157 這個小牛兒喫草/這個小牛兒喫料/這個小牛兒喝水兒/這個小牛兒打滾兒/這個小牛兒竟臥着/我們打他。
This little cow eats grass, This little cow eats hay, This little cow drinks water, This little cow runs away, This little cow does nothing, Expect lie down all day. We'll whip her.
[* 竟臥着 was originally written as 竟卧着. Also cited in BG,p.27 "All of these have called forth rhymes among Chinese children similar to 'little pig went to market,''forehead bender, eye winker,' etc. The parent, or the nurse, taking hold of the toes of the child, repeats the following rhyme, as much to the amusement of the little Oriental as the 'little pig' has always been to our own children: --- And, with that, she playfully pats the little bare foot." Again, cited in LCG,p.12 "When she was little she often took off her shoes--which were made with nose, ears, and eyes like a pig, and which she called her 'piggy shoes' and taking hold of her toes one by one, she repeated the following Chinese Mother Goose Rhyme, which always amused her as much as 'This Little Pig' does her English cousin: --- With which last expression she would playfully slap the bottom of her foot.]
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